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Aug 30, 20231 min read
Goals don't have to be intimidating
Habits are actions and goals are the results. You can strengthen your thought patterns so that you can act, so that you can create habits...

Aug 23, 20231 min read
Summer Burnout
Summer is wonderful and it’s important to be aware that the summer sun is hot, you could burnout. All summer I put other people’s needs...

Aug 16, 20231 min read
Unapologetic in your priorities
Knowing how you want to feel and why it’s important to you is the first step to creating a life you choose; But equally important is...

May 3, 20231 min read
Anger vs Disappointment
How can you recognise the difference? Knowing the difference can mean strengthening your relationships and understanding yourself better.

Apr 19, 20231 min read
The worst inner dialogue
I joke that I’m conquering my greatest fears by doing a style workout I don’t like but it’s actually no joke. When I reflect past my...

Apr 10, 20231 min read
In-person Mini Sessions!
I'm thrilled to offer you a rare opportunity to have a private, in-person, mini session! These sessions are intended to provide a...

Apr 5, 20231 min read
What thoughts will you choose?
In the midst of travel chaos, unmet expectations, disappointment and doubt I AM CHOOSING MY THOUGHTS. I’m doing this by looking for the...

Mar 28, 20231 min read
It's not silly, it's rest.
It might sound silly but it’s a simple way to incorporate rest into my daily routine. I’m intentionally protecting myself against...

Mar 20, 20231 min read
The Season of Change
Spring. It’s the season of change. What do YOU want to change?

Mar 14, 20231 min read
Personal Development takes many forms
What does personal development look like to you? Mindfulness, burnout prevention, setting goals, prioritising yourself, finding balance,...

Mar 10, 20231 min read
What are you waiting for?
Growth doesn’t wait. YOU don’t have to wait. If anything was possible for you right now: How would you grow? What direction do you want...

Mar 9, 20231 min read
How do you discover what you truly want?
We all have other people’s thoughts and expectations living in our minds but how much are they influencing your life? Are they blocking...

Mar 8, 20231 min read
Cold boredom isn't silly, it's restorative
It might sound silly but it’s a simple way to incorporate rest into my daily routine. I’m intentionally protecting myself against...

Mar 2, 20231 min read
What is Life Coaching?
If you haven't experienced the value of life coaching, it can be difficult to understand what the heck it even is! How is it different...

Feb 28, 20231 min read
Where do you have choice?
Sounds simple but what does “showing up” mean to you and can you see where you have choice? The answers to those questions are what a...

Feb 22, 20231 min read
Are you a chronic over-thinker?
Overthinking is a classic path to burnout. Wether it’s making 100 micro-decisions a day or juggling between two choices, the amount of...

Feb 15, 20231 min read
Knowing this is a big deal
I was finally able to articulate that I was disconnected from myself when I couldn’t answer this question. That’s a big deal. You are the...

Feb 8, 20231 min read
Yes but HOW do I fill my cup?
This is 100 % true. But it sounds more simple than it actually is. One of my specialties is to help you find out what fills your cup,...

Feb 1, 20231 min read
January mental health awareness
It was tough and it might still be tough. If you need a safe space to talk, message me and we can chat for 30 minutes. Articulating your...

Jan 25, 20231 min read
What do you want?
Ask for what you want. The easiest way to get what you want is to ask for it. I knew I wanted this glorious cinna-bannock from Kim's...
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